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click on the image you wanted to download. it becomes larger then give a right click on "save image as" and save it. thank you....:)
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4 Nov 2012

beautiful calender for december month

 how to make a calender wallpaper using adobe photoshop:

Step One- prepare the calendar part. Visualize how your calendar should look like, arrange the dates in preferred order (A 7 by 5 table? or 31 * 1 horizontal table? or 14* 3 horizontal or vertical table etc, as you wish. It helps to keep the photo in mind, while preparing the table, so that you can use contrasting colour combination and position the calendar section in a place where it does't cover the main object of the photo. You can make this in a MS word or Powerpoint easily. Add any other text you may wish to have

Step Two: Save this calendar format as a PDF.

Step 3: Go to Photoshop, File-New. Fill up the details as below. (Chose the right pixel/inch values you may wish to have. If in doubt, use the dimensions of the photograph which you're planning to convert into calendar.)

Step 4: Go to File-Place, select the photo which you wish to convert to calendar. Resize if required, else hit Enter (or click on Commit Transform)

Step 5: Repeat the process to select the pdf which contains calendar template. This gets superimposed on the previously selected image. If the visibility is compromised due to wrong colour combination or bad positioning, edit your template to select right colour and position, save it again as PDF and repeat this process. Commit the transform once satisfied

Your calendar is now ready. Do save as and then you know what to do

download these free month calender wallpapers and never bother about forgetting date.
 this a short tutorial of making calenders using adobe photoshop cs6 for beginners.