how to download:

how to download:

click on the image you wanted to download. it becomes larger then give a right click on "save image as" and save it. thank you....:)
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10 Oct 2012

beautiful love wallpapers free download. love hurts to put images inside the text in photoshop tutorial.

how to put images inside text :

in above image you can see that fire or something like that was inserted in the text "love hurts" .
here you can find how to do it.
put a heart shape on right side as shown above. try bevel and emboss on this layer.
 now extract a fire image or select a fire brush. put it in new layer. get required shape using content wrapping tool and transformation tool. 
select text tool and type the text you wanted. in above image it is "love hurts ". type it by selecting a good looking font style.
now a create a new layer and paste an image which you wanted to see inside your text. put that image layer backside of the text the shape of the text layer by holding 'ctrl' key and clicking on the text layer.
now select the image layer which you wanted to place inside the text.inverse your selection of the text 'backspace' to delete the selected part of the layer.
that's it. your wallpaper is ready.

 love hurts images and wallpapers free download.

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